The Rafi Education Development Society
(The REDS or The RED Society)


The Rafi Education Development Society, Aligarh, also known as REDS, registered under Societies Registration Act of India, 1860 (Registration No. 874) has been running the Blackdale Public School; the School is constructed on 2.5 acres land located at Shafiabad, Maheshpur Village under Aligarh district and that has been affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi, India (Affiliation No.2130708

The society is an ideal institution, solely dedicated to the cause of weaker & backward sections of the society and Muslim minorities who have been deprived to proper education for ages to bring them at par with the more fortunate section of our society.

The RED Society is a non-profit & non-proprietary educational body. The Society and the School are properly documented and have obtained all sorts of permission e.g. Society PAN is AABTT0015B-30/11/1996, School TAN is AGRB10874D- all from the Income Tax Office. Our FCRA No. is 136220030 from the Govt of India, and 80G dated 22/07/03, 12A with allotment number CIT/Alg/PRO12-A/30/2003-04.

A few of it's Aims and Objectives are mentioned below:

1. To establish Schools, Colleges, institutions of higher learning, etc for the purpose of education development from Primary to Higher Education and also to establish some more institutions to provide free distance education, technical education, job oriented education, industrial education, rural development education, agriculture education to prepare young men & women for self employment;

2. To establish, run and maintain residential colleges, training centres, technical centres of different kinds, women development schemes, adult literacy programmes for Muslim minorities, backwards, weaker sections, schedule caste/tribes, etc.

3. To arrange free health & literacy programmes for cleanliness, family planning, children vaccination, pregnant/small kids-women in backward/filthy areas for the purpose of general development of the public in cities as well as villages and also to make them aware of government programmes for their welfare through camps in their areas.

Blackdale Public School, with the motto Let Your Light Shine, has been serving the society in the field of education & being run by the Society.