Stage Acting: Dramatics, Debate, Elocution, Quiz, Painting, Arts and Crafts, Sports, Clubs & Societies, etc. are some of the areas for the students to draw out their hidden talents and capabilities. It is the earnest desire of the School to make each and every student an excellent performer, academically and co-academically.

Charts & Models: Made by students are prominently displayed in the labs. Blackboard ads are also provided for theoretical teaching & diagram work. Display boards are also affixed in each classroom, enabling them to show their talents in this regard.

Tuck Shop Facility: We have tuck-shop to serve snacks, fruits, etc, on cash payment at a fixed rate. If a sufficient number of students so desired, it may provide lunch to them at reasonable rates.

Book Shop Facility: We also intend to start book shop from where schoolbooks and other articles of stationery can be purchased which will remain open during school hours.

Uniform Shop Facility: We shall soon start school uniform shop from where the school uniform can be purchased and that will remain open during school hours.

Remedial Classes: To bring out the best in each child, special remedial classes are conducted for weak students after school hours. Parents are expected to cooperate by sending their children to these remedial classes; we get less support from the parents regarding this.

Hostel Accommodation: The School would also like to fulfil a long felt and often expressed need of modern Hostel in near future that Indians especially Muslim minority working abroad often desire that their children should be educated and brought up in Aligarh, the city of literates, to imbibe the culture based on Indian traditions and religious values. We sincerely hope that Blackdale Public School will soon be the answer to their wishes.

Guidance & Counselling: The School provides facilities for counselling, guidance and planning so as to make the students' school education more objective and useful for their future life. At present, we have one qualified lady counsellor having master's degree to take care of the children who need counselling and also help them on their right path in the society as well as in the school. .

Students' Incentive Scheme: In order to encourage and motivate students under the Scheme, the class toppers and the subject-toppers of the Board class (X) are awarded cash prizes above the prescribed percentage. The overall toppers of each class (I - IX) scoring above the prescribed percentage are also considered for award of cash prizes and certificates during "Prize-Giving Ceremony held every year". This facility is also extended to the class/subject toppers of 11th & 12th especially in their board examination.

Eminent Personalities: As Guest Speakers from various walks of life are invited by the school for lectures, seminars, workshops & special assemblies, so as to enable students to keep abreast of the latest trend and to provide them an exposure to many life-related experiences.